CHC AGM 2023

Commercial Hockey Club Annual General Meeting Details

Notice of AGM 2023

Notice of  


Commercial Hockey Club Inc. 

Annual General Meeting 


Sunday 3rd December 2023 



Commercial Hockey Club, Finsbury Street, Newmarket 



  1. Open 

  1. Attendance  

  1. Apologies 

  1. Confirmation of Minutes – Previous Annual General Meeting 

  1. Business arising from Minutes - Previous Annual General Meeting 

  1. Correspondence 

  1. Presentation of Annual Report 

  1. Appointment of Patrons 

  1. Election of Management Committee and Sub-Committees 

  1. Appointment of Auditor 

  1. Vote on Life Membership nominations 


  1. General Business 

  1. Close - Men’s and Women’s Divisions convene separate meetings 


Enclosures Management Committee Nomination Form 

Men’s and Women’s meeting agendas and nomination forms 

Proxy Form 

Descriptions for Management positions 



Completed Nomination Forms must be returned physically signed 

by email or post to the Secretary by Friday 17th  November 2023 




Sandie Jervis 


 Commercial Hockey Club 


CHC 2023 Nomination Form - Management

Commercial Hockey Club Incorporated

Nomination Form


Management Committee & Social Committee 2024


Nominees, Proposers and Seconders must all be financial members of CHC

All three names must be printed and physically signed for each nomination


Please return completed Nomination Form to Secretary by Friday 17th November 2023






















Assistant Secretary




Marketing & Social Media Officer




Chairperson Men’s Players Committee




Chairperson Women’s Players Committee




Chairperson Facilities and Grounds




Facilities and Grounds Committee (6)




Social Committee (6)





Nominees, Proposers and Seconders must all be financial members of CHC

All three names must be printed and physically signed for each nomination

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Men's Player's Committee 2024

Men’s Player’s Committee Agenda


1.0     Open

2.0     Attendance

3.0     Apologies

4.0     Confirmation of Minutes   - Previous Annual General Meeting

4.1     Business from Minutes - Previous Annual General Meeting

5.0     Correspondence

6.0     Election of Men’s Players Committee and Sub-Committees

7.0     General Business

8.0     Close




Nomination of Men’s Player's Committee and Sub-Committees 2024






Men’s Secretary




Men’s Treasurer




Men’s Equipment/Uniforms Coordinator




Men’s Umpire Coordinator




Men’s Coaching Coordinator




Chairperson Junior Sub-Committee




Senior Selectors: Divs 1-3 (3) *




Senior Selectors: Divs 4-7 (3)




Deputy Senior Selectors:

Divs 1-3 (1) Divs 4-7 (1)




* Division 1 Coach is automatically a selector






Junior Secretary/Treasurer




Junior Equipment/Uniforms Coordinator




Junior Committee Member




Junior Selectors (3)




Deputy Junior Selectors (2)




Nominees, Proposers and Seconders must all be financial members of CHC

All three names must be printed and physically signed for each nomination


Please return completed Nomination Form to Secretary by Friday 17th November 2023

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Women's Player's Committee

Women’s Players Committee Agenda


1.0     Open

2.0     Attendance

3.0     Apologies

4.1     Confirmation of Minutes   - Previous Annual General Meeting

4.2     Business from Minutes - Previous Annual General Meeting

5.0     Correspondence

6.0     Election of Women’s Players Committee and Sub-Committees

7.0     General Business

8.0     Close




Nominees, Proposers and Seconders must all be financial members of CHC

All three names must be printed and physically signed for each nomination


Please return completed Nomination Form to Secretary by Friday 17th November 2023

 Nomination of Women’s Players Committee and Sub-Committees 2024






Women’s Secretary




Women’s Turf Coordinator PL1-PL3




Women’s Turf Coordinator ML1-ML3




Masters Coordinator




Women’s Grass Coordinator




Women’s Equipment/Uniforms Coordinator




Women’s Coaching Coordinator




Chairperson Junior Sub-Committee




Senior Turf Selectors - Div 1-4 (3) *




Deputy Senior Turf Selector -

Div 1-4 (1)




Senior Grass Selectors (3)




Deputy Senior Grass Selector (1)




 * Division 1 Coach is automatically a selector



Nominees, Proposers and Seconders must all be financial members of CHC

All three names must be printed and physically signed for each nomination


Please return completed Nomination Form to Secretary by Friday 17th November 2023







Junior Secretary




Junior Equipment/Uniforms  Coordinator




Junior Grass Coordinator




Junior Turf Coordinator




U7/U9 Coordinator




Junior Turf Umpires Coordinator




Junior Grass Umpires Coordinator




Trophy and Awards Coordinator




Junior Selectors Turf (3)




Deputy Junior Selectors Turf (2)





Junior Selectors Grass (3)






Deputy Junior Selectors Grass (2)






CHC  Footer 1


Please return completed Nomination Form to Secretary by Friday 17th November 2023


CHC Proxy Form

FB IMG 1645355469631

Commercial Hockey Club Incorporated

Appointment of Proxy Form


I ________________________________________________________ ,

(Full Name)

of ________________________________________________________

being a financial member of the above-named Association, hereby appoint

__________________________________________________________ ,

(Full Name)

as my proxy to vote for me on my behalf at the Annual General Meeting of the Association to be held on December 3rd, 2023.


 I authorise my proxy to vote on my behalf at their discretion.


I instruct my proxy to vote as follows:


(Strike out whichever is not desired)  


Signed this ____ day of________________________2023


Signature: ________________________

Proxies must be received prior to the commencement of the meeting.

CHC  Footer 1

Management Position Descriptions



The Key Roles of the President are to:

                  Be aware of all Club activities including, its financial position, activities of the Sub-

Committees, issues relating to playing hockey at all levels and issues that may be raised by teams or players.

                  Lead the planning, development and future direction of the Club.

                  Have a good working knowledge of the Club Rules, Club By-Laws and the duties of all office holders and the various sub-committees.

                  Lead the Management Committee and Sub-committees to achieve the objects of the Club.  The President will ensure that all Club issues matters are fully discussed by the Management Committee and Sub-committees in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for the Club and its members.

                  Chair the Club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) by following the agenda, completing all business, making awards or presentations, and if applicable, introducing and welcoming guest speakers.

                  Represent the Club at local, regional and national levels.

                  Be a supportive leader to all Club members.  The President will consider member’s suggestions (not just committee members) and bring them to the attention of the Management Committee. 

                  Ensure that planning and budgeting for the future is carried out in accordance with the wishes of the Club members





The Secretary is responsible for all written communications emanating from and received by the

Club.  Letters etc. may be compiled by the Secretaries of the Sub-Committees for the Club

Secretary’s signature however, the Secretaries of the Men’s and Women’s Sub-Committees may sign correspondence of a non-contentious nature.  


The Key Roles of the Secretary are:

        Provides a link between members, the Management Committee, other Clubs, Regional and State Associations, and Hockey Australia.

        Often the Secretary is the Club’s first point of contact for information or details regarding its activities and operations.

        Manage and supervise others (in relation to secretarial duties).

        Organise and delegate tasks.

        Receive, distribute and keep a record of all correspondence. Reply promptly where necessary.

        Maintain Club administration files e.g. correspondence, financial records, and minutes, etc.

        Maintain membership records i.e. names, contact and personal details.

        Organise meeting details, notify and distribute documentation to relevant personnel.

        Prepare AHL Player (men and women) agreements for signing by players and Club President.




The Treasurer is responsible for the overall financial management of the Club. This includes liaison with Assistant Treasurers and Committee members of Men’s and Women’s Playing Committees in the collection of playing fees.

The Key Roles of the Treasurer are to:

                  Process the payment of invoices for the expenses incurred in the operation of the Club from the Club’s bank accounts.

                  Maintain a working level of petty cash.

                  Ensure monies received are banked promptly and recorded correctly.

                  Invoice groups/members for playing fees, playing uniforms and rentals, e.g. buildings, equipment, uniforms etc.

                  Prepare playing fee budgets for the forthcoming year.

                  Maintain accurate records of current income and expenditure.

                  Prepare annual financial accounts for auditing and provide the auditor with information as required.

                  Be the signatory on Club cheques (with at least one other person).

                  Ensure annual returns are filed with the relevant Government department of the state, if required.

                  Manage Club investment programs.

                  Prepare and present regular financial statements to the Management Committee.

                  Regularly file business activity statements (including GST) including file tax returns and income tax payments for employees as required.

                  Acquit funds received from government grants where applicable.

                  Coordinate the activities of the Men’s and Women’s Equipment Coordinators including:

a)           Monitoring the purchases of hockey equipment for the Club;

b)           Maintain a register of all existing equipment and new equipment and record details of all outgoing and incoming equipment;

c)           Assess the need for repairs to equipment and when justified shall arrange for its repair;

d)           Receive monies from the sale of equipment etc, and record same and to account to the Club Treasurer of such monies; and

e)           Receive from the Equipment Coordinators of the Men’s and Women’s Players Committees their annual stocktake of playing equipment and estimate of the playing equipment needed for the next hockey season.

                  Source and investigate financial grant or funding opportunities.




The Key Roles of the Vice President are to:

                  Oversee the Club’s Risk Management policy and other corporate governance issues, to monitor compliance.

                  Coordinate the activities of the Social Committee.

                  To chair and coordinate the activities of the Commercial Old Members and Supporters [COMS] Sub-Committee. 

                  If the President is unavailable, represent the Club at local, regional and national levels.





The Key Roles of the Assistant Secretary are to:

                  Assist and support the Secretary to facilitate the efficient administration of the Club.

                  Record the Minutes of the Management Committee meetings.  

                  Prepare meeting agendas (in consultation with the President).

                  Coordinating the updating of the Club Website content.

                  Distribute minutes promptly and follow up on ‘action’ lists.

                  Coordinate and compile the Annual Report.





The Key Roles of the Chairperson Facilities and Grounds are to:

                  Ensure that the Clubhouse is open for activities.

                  Maintain the Clubhouse Key Register.

                  Manage the Bar Committee and set rosters to committee members to attend Touch

Football nights.

                  Coordinate the purchase of supplies for the Clubhouse for operation of the bar and canteen.  

                  Coordinate field marking and maintenance of the Club grounds. 

                  Coordinate bookings for use of the Clubhouse and Club grounds.   


The role of the Facilities and Grounds Sub-Committee shall include:

                  Managing and allocating fields for play and/or training.

                  Marking and maintaining, the fields and associated equipment including lights.

                  The Sub-Committee, through the Chairperson Facilities and Grounds is responsible to the Management Committee.  It will advise the Management Committee of any major maintenance requirements and recommend any new equipment required and to lend or hire equipment under their control and take all precautions for its safe return.

                  The Sub-Committee shall liaise with the Marketing Officer regarding the positioning of field advertisement.

                  The Sub-Committee shall endorse all invoices involving expenditure incurred by the Committee and forward on to the Club Treasurer for payment.

                  To manage the day to day operation of the Clubhouse and other buildings.  This shall include operation of the Bar and Canteen; including the license, roster, renting of the Clubhouse and other buildings to organisations.  To order after gaining approval from the Club Secretary all bar supplies.

                  The Sub-Committee is responsible for minor maintenance and is to advise the Management Committee for any major maintenance (i.e. painting, drainage repairs etc) and equipment requirements. 

                  All invoices involving expenditure incurred by the Sub-Committee shall be endorsed and forwarded on to the Club for payment.

                  The Sub-Committee shall liaise with the Social Sub-Committee with regard to social functions held in the Clubhouse etc., organised by the Social Committee.

                  The Sub-Committee shall record details of all moneys received, deliver same to the Club Treasurer, record same, and receive a receipt.  All money in the Sub-Committee’s possession shall be kept in a secure place.  Each day’s takings shall be counted and recorded. The records shall be made available to the Management Committee.




The Chairperson of the Men’s Players Committee is responsible for the overall organisation and management of the playing of hockey for all men and boy players and associated activities.


The duties of the Men’s Players Sub-Committee and its members shall include:

                  Collect ion of fees, record receipts and pass funds on to the Club Treasurer.

                  Collection of playing fees shall be carried out by the Men’s Treasurer. 

                  The Men’s Secretary shall inform players of the amount of fees to be paid at the time of registering to play.

                  The Men’s Secretary will inform players of the amounts of those instalments and the dates by which the instalments are to be paid. 

                  Selection of teams, compilation of registration papers for forwarding to BHA/BJHA by the Men’s Secretary. 

                  All incoming correspondence of a contentious nature is to be sighted by the Secretary of the Management Committee within 5 days of receipt. Letters may be written by the Men’s Secretary and forwarded to the Management Committee for the Secretary’s signature.

                  All invoices of expenditure incurred by the Sub-Committee shall be recorded for the Club Treasurer to check on request.

                  The Sub-Committee may engage in approved fundraising activities such as raffles etc. 

                  The Men’s Equipment Officer is to complete a stocktake of team equipment by 30 September to be submitted to the Equipment Coordinator together with an estimate of the team equipment needed for the next hockey season.

                  Nominated coaches and managers for all or any teams must be ratified by the Management Committee before being appointed.





The Chairperson of the Women’s Players Committee is responsible for the overall organisation and management of the playing of hockey for all women and girl players and associated activities.


The duties of the Women’s Players Committee and its members shall include:

                  Collection of fees, record receipts and pass funds on to the Club Treasurer.

                  Collection of playing fees shall be carried out by the Women’s Turf and Grass Coordinators.

                  The Women’s Secretary shall inform players of the amount of fees to be paid at the time of registering to play.

                  The Women’s Secretary shall inform players of the amounts of those instalments and the dates by which the instalments are to be paid 

                  Selection of teams, compilation of registration papers for forwarding to BWHA by the Women’s Secretary.

                  All incoming correspondence of a contentious nature is to be sighted by the Club Secretary within 5 days of receipt.

                  The Sub-Committee may engage in approved fundraising activities such as raffles etc.

                  The Women’s Equipment Oficer is to complete a stocktake of team equipment by 30 September to be submitted to the Equipment Coordinator together with an estimate of the team equipment needed for the next hockey season.

                  Nominated coaches and managers for all or any teams must be ratified by the Management Committee before being appointed.




The Key Roles of the Marketing Officer are to:

                  Coordinate the activities of the Fundraising Committee. 

                  When a Sub-Committee or a member of the Club or the Marketing Officer obtains details of a proposed sponsorship, the Marketing Officer shall advise the Sub-Committee or member on the proposal and then submit the proposal together with his/her recommendations to the Management Committee outlining:

a)           the suitability of the sponsorship proposal;

b)           The sponsor’s terms and conditions;

c)           any conflict with existing or proposed sponsorship; and

d)           how to give the proposed sponsor the best presentation for the sponsorship.

                  Source goods or services from sponsors for fund-raising.

                  Be responsible for advertising on the grounds at Finsbury Park and Club Building and Equipment, however when necessary the Grounds Committee and the House Committee will be consulted on advertising locations.

                  Investigate opportunities for and coordinate promotions of the Club.

                  Coordinate and edit articles or material prepared by Sub-Committees and members for publication in local newspapers.

                  To initiate, co-ordinate and assist in presenting hockey promotions at shopping centres, schools etc.



The Key Roles of the Equipment Coordinator are to:

Coordinate the activities of the Men’s, Women’s, Boys and Girls Equipment Officers including:

a)               Monitoring the purchases of hockey equipment for the Club;

b)               Maintaining a register of all existing equipment and new equipment and record details of all outgoing and incoming equipment;

c)               Assess the need for repairs to equipment and when justified shall arrange for its


d)               Receive monies from sales, record and account to the Club Treasurer of same.

e)               Receive from the Equipment Coordinators of the Men’s and Women’s Players Committees their annual stocktake of team equipment and estimate of the playing equipment needed for the next hockey season.

The Chairperson of the Equipment Sub-Committee reports to the Club Treasurer and may attend Management Committee meetings to report on equipment issues, however, they will not have any voting rights at Management Committee meetings.     



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