Donations are a great way to support our local sports with the added benefit of being a tax deduction! Commercial Hockey Club have partnered with the Australian Sports Foundation to enable this to happen.
Our volunteer coaches are an invaluable asset. Donations to this fund will enable us to provide them with some financial assistance. Donations can be to the club in general or you can add extra support to a nominated team.
These donations go into the CHC Junior Umpiring program. Developing our juniors into confident and competent umpires which improves the game for all players.
Donations towards maintaining the facilities at Finsbury Park for a mix of sports (currently include hockey, cricket, soccer (football), touch football and Ultimate Disc (frisbee) can reduce the costs of field hire for local community sporting associations. This in turn makes these sports more affordable and creates a clean, safe environment for members and their families to enjoy.
For more details email